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Backyard Salt Pool

At Backyard Salt Pool, we're pool owners who want to help other pool owners enjoy the simplicity and the savings of saltwater chlorine generators. Not only are we lifelong swimming pool enthusiasts, but we're a unique group of pool experts with decades of experience in the industry. We're not like your pool store or pool pros, and we're not at the last step of a long & overpriced distribution chain. Not only are we constantly doing market research, we use this equipment on our pools! We pick the best pool technology that's out there so that our friends and neighbors have the best swimming pool experience possible. Browse our online DIY resources, and make sure you take advantage of our friendly support!

For over 20 years we've been in business helping tens of thousands of pool owners find an alternative to the endless cycle of pool maintenance and chemical costs. Backyard Salt Pool offers expert advice based on decades of experience, friendly and knowledgeable customer support, and manufacturer-direct pricing on the best salt pool systems available.

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